Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat

Cabbage rolls are very popular in Polish cuisine, the meatless version is often part of the Christmas Eve feast. Mushrooms and buckwheat give it a satisfying and unique flavor, that one roll is never enough :)

Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat


  • 1 big cabbage
  • 2 cups of uncooked buckwheat
  • 2 lbs of mushrooms
  • 2 large onions 
  • stock broth 
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable oil

How to make it

Cabbage rolls are very popular in Polish cuisine, the meatless version is often part of the Christmas Eve feast. Mushrooms and buckwheat give it a satisfying and unique flavor, that one roll is never enough :)

Cook buckwheat in a rice cooker with a ratio of 2 parts of water and one of buckwheat (salt to taste). While buckwheat is getting ready, wash and grate mushrooms in a large bowl, Polish Pottery Blue Eyes bowl would be perfect for that task :). Chop onions finely and caramelize on low heat with a splash of oil, add mushrooms, some salt and black pepper and continue on medium-low heat until all water evaporates. In the meantime boil water in a large pot. While the water is getting ready, remove the stem from your cabbage. When the water boils, add the cabbage head to the pot; it should be submerged completely.  Once the cabbage softens a little, start removing leaves one by one and cut a bit of the stems’ thickness (each leaf). The mushrooms should be ready by now, so it is time to mix them with the buckwheat. Taste it to check for salt and pepper, this is the time to add some if you think it needs more :)

The stuffing is ready and it is time to roll the rolls :) Put a couple of spoonfuls of mushroom mix at the bottom part of the leaf, fold sides and wrap the stuffing into a nice cabbage roll. Repeat until all mushroom mix is gone. Remember to pat yourself on the back for a job well done :) 

Now the final step, cook cabbage rolls to delicious perfection. Cut any leftover cabbage into smaller pieces, put them at the bottom of a big pot (it will prevent the rolls from sticking to the bottom plus it will add extra flavor). Set the cabbage rolls tightly in the pot, add stock broth just to fill the spaces between, add bay leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Make sure that cabbage rolls are sitting tight in the pot and not floating, otherwise they can get loose and you will get cabbage soup ;).  Cook on medium-low heat for an hour; once your kitchen is filled with delightful aroma the cabbage rolls should be ready :). 

Cabbage rolls taste the best when shared with friends and family. Remember to invite them before you start cooking :). The rolls will be good for a week when refrigerated, just reheat them in the oven and they will taste even better than the first time around. During Christmas Eve celebrations we serve them with a bit of gravy made of wild forest mushrooms :)

Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms and Buckwheat

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